Eleanor Griffiths / December 15th 2024 / No Comments
Board games have been enjoyed by people of all ages for centuries. From timeless classics to fun modern twists, playing board games provides endless hours of entertainment, as well as some friendly competition.
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If you love to play board games, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test with our challenging board game trivia questions.
We’ve listed 100 fun questions and answers that will challenge even the most seasoned board game enthusiasts! See how much you know about one of the best-loved household pastimes with our trivia questions and answers below.
Roll the dice and let’s begin!
Fun Trivia Board Game Questions and Answers
- What is considered the most popular board game of all time?
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- Which game simulates a person going through different stages of their life, from adulthood to retirement?
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- Which board game involves solving a murder?
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- In what year was the first Scrabble board game sold?
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- In Monopoly, which property is the most expensive?
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- What is the extra cube/third die called in each Backgammon set?
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- How many rooms are on a traditional Clue game board?
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- What color is the traditional “Go” space in Monopoly?
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- Which game involves players trying to line up four colored circles in a row?
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- What do the blue cards represent in “The Game of Life”?
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- How many cards are in a standard deck of Uno?
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- In Chutes and Ladders (Snakes and Ladders), what symbol represents a ladder?
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- How does a pawn capture another piece in a Chess game?
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- Which game involves weapons, such as a lead pipe and candlestick?
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- In the original version of Trivial Pursuit, what are the six categories?
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- In The Game of Life, how many kids can you have in your car?
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- What is the maximum number of players in a game of Sorry!?
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- Which game involves the players racing their playing pieces to the finish line while avoiding traps?
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- In Candy Land, which color represents the Molasses Swamp?
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- What board game requires players to place their pieces strategically and form a line of five in a row?
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- The longest Monopoly game ever lasted for how long?
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- In Hungry Hungry Hippos, what are the hippos competing to eat?
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- What board game involves playing in a haunted mansion, collecting keys, and avoiding ghosts?
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- In Trivial Pursuit, what color represents arts & literature?
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- Which board game features the characters Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, and Mrs. Peacock?
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- What game board consists of 24 triangles and 15 checkers for each player?
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- Who designed the classic board game Candy Land?
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- In Risk, which territory is considered the “gateway to the world”?
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- What board game features the iconic phrase, “Do not pass Go, do not collect $200”?
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- In Operation, which body part do players have to remove without touching the sides?
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- What board game requires players to imagine, describe, or draw an object or situation without using certain words?
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- On a Monopoly board, Liverpool Street Station is named after a famous train station in which city?
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- Which game involves players removing blocks from a tower and balancing them on top without making them fall?
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- What board game features multiple green army figurines?
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- In which game must players navigate a maze to collect treasures?
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- When it is a player’s turn in Snakes and Ladders, what must they do?
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- In the board game Sorry!, what must players do to win?
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- Which game is based on a traditional crossword competition?
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- What do you get when you land on ‘Free Parking’ on a Monopoly Board?
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- What board game is played with different colored characters with unique abilities fighting for control over a world map?
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- How many points are the highest-scoring letter tiles ‘Q’ and ‘Z’ worth in Scrabble?
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- In the game Go, what shape are the stone bowls?
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- What is the patient in Operation called?
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- What board game involves building and managing a theme park with roller coasters and attractions?
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- How many blank tiles are there in a Scrabble set?
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- What is the first property on a Monopoly board?
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- What year was Trivial Pursuit created?
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- What game features the characters Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow trying to reach the center of the board?
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- In the game of Operation, how many body parts must be successfully removed to win?
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- What board game requires players to answer trivia questions in order to advance on the board?
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- In Scrabble, what is the maximum possible score for a single word?
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- Playing Articulate can cause some friendly competition, but how do you win?
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- In Monopoly, how much do you pay if you land on the Income Tax Square?
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- On a chess board, which piece can only move one space?
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- How many houses are needed to build a hotel in Monopoly?
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- Which racing board game includes a place called ‘Gum Drop Mountain’?
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- In Checkers, how many squares are on a standard board?
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- Which game uses a spinner to determine how many steps a player can move their colored pieces forward?
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- In the game of Risk, what color represents the continent of Europe?
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- How many tokens are used in a standard game of Sorry!?
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- How many blocks is Jenga played with?
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- How many pawns does each player start with in a game of chess?
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- In the game of Clue, which room is shown in the center of the game board?
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- Which children’s game involves pulling out colorful sticks without causing marbles to fall?
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- How many letter tiles are in a standard game of Scrabble?
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- What game has players competing to build railway lines across North America?
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- What colors are the squares on a standard Checkers board?
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- Which board game features four colored pegs and a secret code to crack?
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- How many different property groups are there in the standard version of Monopoly?
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- How much money do you start with in a game of Monopoly?
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- Which game involves stacking wooden blocks and removing them without causing the tower to fall?
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- In Clue, which room is considered a secret passage?
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- How many special editions of Trivial Pursuit have been made?
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- What is the prize money if you win the Monopoly World Championship?
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- What is the maximum number of players allowed in a game of Settlers of Catan?
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- The new standard Monopoly game, updated from the original version, is known by what name?
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- Which is the most numerous piece on a chess board?
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- In Risk, how many armies are given to each player at the beginning of the game?
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- Which game has little cars as playing pieces?
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- Which elimination game involves each player having to guess between 24 characters to decide which character their opponent has picked?
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- What game involves launching small birds at pigs to destroy their structures?
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- In the game of Operation, what is the penalty for touching the metal sides of the openings?
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- An Absolute Balderdash Board has 27 squares. Each square is for a letter of the alphabet. What does the extra square in the middle represent?
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- How many train stations are traditionally found on a Monopoly board?
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- How many armies can a player deploy in a single turn in Risk?
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- Which famous detective character is featured in the game Scotland Yard?
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- How many dice are used during gameplay in the game Yahtzee?
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- Who is the main character in the game Mouse Trap?
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- Which game involves building and expanding fictional landscapes using hexagonal tiles?
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- How do you win in the game of Battleship?
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- Which classic game involves drawing and guessing various sketches within a time limit?
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- How many circles are on the mat in the game of Twister?
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- How many players play a traditional game of Checkers?
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- In the game of Monopoly, what color are the Community Chest cards?
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- Which game involves moving around a candy-themed board and collecting various treats?
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- How many different resources can be obtained in Settlers of Catan?
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- Which classic game involves players trying to remove body parts without touching the sides with tweezers?
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- Which game involves matching and collecting pairs of cards until all the cards are gone?
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- In the game of Mousetrap, how many different parts make up the contraption?
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- What is the main objective of the game Apples to Apples?
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Enjoy our 100 Board Game Trivia Questions with Your Family and Friends!
We hope you enjoyed our 100 Board Game Trivia Questions! What was your score?
The history behind these classic board games means there’s so much to learn about this fun hobby. Whether you’ve played all of the board games, or you’re new to the hobby, playing games like these is undoubtedly one of the most fun ways to spend an evening.
Games like these can bring joy to families and groups across the world, so gather your friends and family, and let the games begin!
Eleanor Griffiths
Eleanor is a qualified English teacher and has received a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), specializing in Secondary English, and holds a BA (Hons) in English Literature from Liverpool John Moores University. She is certified to teach English as a foreign language (TEFL) and has worked with students in the U.K. and South East Asia. She currently works as an English teacher in Vietnam, teaching students across a range of ages.
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