The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)

at 10. THE SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1947. ACCIDENTS HURT SIX IN ELKHART Two Mishaps Occur Within Space of 15 Minutes. ELKHART, Nov. persons including three Elkhart High school athletes were injured in two traffic accidents within 15 minutes tonight.

The students were injured when a car driven by Stanley Bender, 17, of Edwardsbure, road, collided Central system switch engine at a blind railroad crossing on Elkhart avenue near the city dump. Bender suffered a minor head bruise. Two of six pasFrank sengers the car were injured. Hartman, 17, of 253 land avenue, suffered a right knee cut and bruises of face and mouth. Bill Daley, 17, of 250 Garfield suffered a right leg inavenue, probable fracture of the right wrist.

The engine was in charge of E. I. Burns, rural route No. 1, Bristol, engineer: E. W.

of rural route No. 3. Elkhart, brakeman, and W. W. Rose, 935 Middlebury street, fireman.

Three other Elkhartans were injured when the car which they were driving on East Jackson boulevard, collided with another being backed out of a parking lot near Bulldog crossing by Steven Pugliese, 60-year-old tavern owner, who resides at 816 Harrison street. Injured were the driver of the car. Leonard Ashville, 24, of 1816 Leininger street, suffered a fractured right knee Hunter 25, of 123 Sycamore street, who suffered minor cuts of his hands and arms, and his wife. Martha, 20, who suffered a severe head bruise. Police arrested on.

a. public intoxication charge. GROUP TO PLAN MILITARY BALL Plans will be completed for a military ball Thursday in the Indiana by South Bend Council chapter, Reserve OfOakes ficers, in association the home at of 7:45 River p. Park m. post No.

303. American legion, Mishawaka avenue. MISTAKES "HIES FOR ROAD; HIT BY TRAIN The Tribune's. Special Service. ST.

JOSEPH, Oct. Charles Olson, 63, of Bippus, thought the road was a bit rough as he drove along after making a turn at Eighth street in Benton Harbor, but it wasn't until a Pere Marquette freight train pushed his, auto some 60 feet that he discovered he was driving down the railroad track. St. Joseph police, who booked him on a charge of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, said he drove about 10 blocks on the railroad ties before the train smashed into the rear of his auto. His unorthodox jaunt took him from Benton Harbor St.

Joseph. escaped without a scratch. DINNER HONORS V. F. W.

LEADERS Ray Brannaman, of Denver, national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Clyde Lewis, junior vice-commander, and several Indiana department officers Saturday night were guests of honat a banquet in the home Mishawaka post No. 360, 1307 East Jefferson boulevard. After the banquet they visited other posts. in Mishawaka and South Bend. The Indiana department officers were Earl A.

Snyder, senior vicecommander, of Crawfordsville: der, Fort Wayne; Richard L. George Irick, junior Vice Roudebush, service officer; Clare N. Beck, inspector; A. L. Chew, quartermaster, all and of James Indianapolis.

HerThe officials were here to attend the Notre Dame-Army game, CHOIR TO SING IN ELKHART The Tribune's Special Service. ELKHART, Nov. 8. The Westminster choir, of Princeton, N. will give a concert in the Elkhart High school auditorium lat 3:30 -p.

m. Sunday, under -the direction of Finley About 175 reserved and general admission tickets, will ibe available at the beginning 1:30 p. m. Sunday. The Baltic is the world's least salty sea, the Red the saltiest.

WELFARE DRIVE OPENS MONDAY Chairman in Appeal To Reach Goal Of $60,000. Meetings of the industrial and public service divisions on Friday officially launched the 1947 Mishawaka Community Chest campaign to raise $60,000 for seven memper agencies and, at the same time, brought a statement from Louis F. Schultz, general chairman, urging: 100 per cent cooperation in industry and business to make, the successful. Mr. Schultz pointed out that the seven agencies, the Boy Scouts, Camp Fire girls, Children's Aid society, Girl Scouts, Salvation army, St.

Joseph County Tuberculosis league and St. Joseph hospital, depend upon the one annual appeal to carry on their work throughout the year. "In a recent community-wide survey more than 85 per cent of the adult residents of Mishawaka had chest X-rays made. Now we must examine our own hearts for there is where we find the answer to how much shall I give," Mr. Schultz said.

The general chairman asked every prospective donor to give careful and conscientious consideration to his or her subscription and suggested a way of determining the size of one's gift by listing the seven agencies and then writing down the amount one would give if each agency was to conduct a separate drive. "Too many of us forget," Mr. Schultz said, "that the chest campaign is a united appeal representing seven agencies. We are asked to give but once, but we should remember to give enough for all." From the Dodge Manufactur-1 ing corporation came the announcement that solicitation would completed Monday and indications point to an oversubscription of the company goal. John Cannum, chairman of the plant com- MISHAWAKA CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS.

BUILDING MATERIALS FOR SALE. red cedar and redwood siding in stock. Northside Lumber and Coal 502 E. Marion, Mishawaka: 5-3143. AND 6 glazed sewer pipe and field tile in stock.

Northside Lumber and Coal 502 E. Marion, Mishawaka. 5-3143. GIVE her a thrill this Christmas. new kitchen or bath finished in tile board would make a good Christmas gift New cupboards are always appreciated.

Give us a ring and we will send al man out to. estimate' your job. No money down and as high RS 36 months to -pay, Northside Lumber Coal Col, 502 E. Marion, Mish. 5-3143.

LOWE'S for better building materials. Clear fir and pine boards. No. 1 and 2 yellow pine and fir demension, red face prick, smooth or wire guaranteed insulation materials, Perfect-O-Cel vall board, knotty pine paneling, clear air flooring. O' Brien's paints, U.

'S. G. Red Top plaster, adjustable steel cellar jacks. steel clothes line posts, heatilator fire. places, windows, doris and frames.

fir and hardwood plywood, 50 ft. rolls corn crib or snow fence. Call 5-2112 for all your requirements. ORNAMENTAL porch railing and window grating built to order by experienced blacksmith. war stock.

John Diroll. Ph. 5-3693. REJECTS in 2x4's. 2x6's, $50 per M.

Osceola Lumber Co. Phone Osceola 401 or 402. WOOD lath or metal lath: septic tanks: plenty of Brixment and sewer pipe: 8 Redwood bev. adg. sdg.

shingles; asbestos (sdg. shingles: oak flodrins. all grades. Phone Osceola Lumber Co, Phone Osceola 401 or 402. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE.

ANOTHER Summer's service, complete washer repair Any make. We take trade ins. Authorized G. E. Dealer.

Summer's Furniture 419 7th Mish. Ph. 5-3313. BIRDSEYE mare twin bedroom outfit consisting of 7 pcs. Phone 5-4118 CHEST of drawers, dressing table.

Gil space heater, table top, gas stove, utility cupboard, and fruit jars. Ph. 5-2711 or 528 W. 4th Mish. AT Summer's, complete radio service any make.

We take trade-ine. Authorized G. E. dealers. Summer's Furniture 419 W.

7th Mish. Call 5-3313. DRAPERIES, curtains, -blankets, Venetian blinds. Pay weekly, Piser's Mercantile 103 L. W.

West. 5-2219. HEATING stove. with pipe, good condition. 312 W.

Mishawaka Ave. LIVING room suite. Very reasonable, Call any time. 423 W. 8th Mish.

NORGE portable ironer, good condition. 5-2776. STUDIO couch. Very good condition. Aqua color.

Call 5-5576. WASHING machines. Immediate delivery. $119.95. Mishawaka Maytag Co.

211 W. 5-5169. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE- BEAUTIFUL artificial roses. Call 5-6029. FAIRBANKS-MORSE elector pumps and sump pumps now in stock.

Northside Lumber and Coal 502 El Marion, Mishawaka. PARKWAY stroller. $5. Folding play pen with pad, $12. Both new this year.

Ph. 5-8963. WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG couple, both employed want a 3 or 4-room furnished apt. Call 3-3255 after Sunday call 2-8275.

AN EMPLOYED couple, a fireman and nurse, desire a furn. Capt. in 3 or 4-room. Phone: 5-3855. PERMANENT responsible family, girl needs 2-bedrm.

unt. apt. or house near school. M. L.

McCoy, new owner of the furniture: store at 108. L. W. Mish, Phone MIDDLE AGED working. girl wishes 2 or 3-room furn.

kitchenette apt. Close in Private entrance desired. Write Box R. Tribune, Mish. 3-RM.

urgent! Young couple with no children, no pets. Ph. 5-4472. WANTED room and board near bus line by employed young man. No drinking, Mish.

preferred. Ph. 5-5247. WANTED furn. apt.

Needed badly by 00 Ph. 5-3447 between and 7 p.m. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. FOR rent: 2 large modern office rooms on No. side.

Ph. 5-2382 CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. N. BYRKIT, 1 bedrm. down, 3 bedrms.

up, on large loti Has heated sun porch, modern kitchen stool down, full basem*nt, 2-C. garage. Robert Doolittle, Realtor, 113 So, Main. Ph. 5-7193.

A-1 SERVICE in selling your property. you appreciate courtesy, reliability and efficiency. Call Johnson, 5-1203. CONVENIENCE! Location! Beautiful setting: Attractive homes! All are to be had in Oaks' in Mishawaka. fine selection of new 2 and 3-bedrm.

frame and prefabricated homes, one now ready for occupancy. Prices from 650 with small down payment, on FHA terms. Colpaert Realty Realtors, 3-5108. TELEPHONES 5-3151 Society News CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 407 E.

MISHAWAKA avenue, Miscawaka, 7-room house, garage, price $5,500. Rea-, sonable possession. 222 W. 8th Mishawaka, 7-room home, 4 bedrooms, modern, 1202 E. 4th Mishawaka, 4-100m, modern, price $5,250, 1708 South Union Mishawaka, 3-room house and bath, big.

chicken house, garage. and storage, 80-ft. frontage along Union 244 ft. deep, fine for chicken or rabbit ranch, price $9,500. 114 Middlebore Mishawaka, 5-room bungalow, gas heat, all modern, price 000.

On the Currant road, north of Kennedy school, 5 acres with a 3-room house, brooder house, 1 acre of price- $3,600. Terms. $1,000 down. payments $30 monthly. Esther avenue, between Jefferson and Road 20.

2-room house, partially furnished, acre of ground, price $2:000.1 Elisasser Agency, 118 North Spring 5-6200. street, Mishawaka, diana. Phone E. Ellsasser, Phone 5-1494. BUY direct from owner- Choice Mish.

lots. 8. W. corner Third and Hudson. block S.

of W. 54x115, $650, complete with abstract, Lots 'in 700 and 800 block Laurel and 700 blocki 9th St. Free and clear, survey furnished. Prices $275, $375 and $450. Lots in 2000 and 2200 block Homewood block N.

of L. W. including one ether lot, $460 10 $500. Lots in Milburn PI. addition, vicinity Burdette, Jackson.

Alabama, $250, to $350, Lot on: Grand S. bf Delaware, $300. Cash of terms. South Bend Acceptance 208 St. Joseph Bank Bldg.

Ph. 3-1935. $1,000 DOWN, S45 per month, 4-rm. mod. 2 bedrms, built 1945, -full price, $4.500.

See Robert P. Doolittle, Realtor, S. Main St. 5-7193. BAsem*nT house and combination gas and coal stove.

923 E. Battell, Mish. L. W. E.

Large 5-rm. home. L. R. with fireplace.

Hardwood floors down. 2 good bedrms, up, 2-car garage, $8,500. See Robert P. Doolittle, Realtor, Main. 5-7193.

N. SIDE, good schools, 3-bedrm. bigo. New oil heater, quiet street. $5,750.

Robert P. Doolittle, Realtor, S. Main St. 5-7193. 1626 UNION St.

7-rm. home on large lot, measuring 115x160. Hot air furn. Twnshp. tax rate.

Robert P. Dpolittle, So. Main St. 5-7193. FIVE rooms at 2409 E.

4th street. Open for inspection between 1 and 3 Sunday, Nov. 9. Oil heat, full basem*nt, enclosed front porch. One car garage.

Cash or terms. Now vacant. Call Matt Lee. 608 bullding, Realty Realtors. 4-7622; 2-1792.

IN Osceola, new 4-rm. with. full has 2 bedrms, elec. pump. Lot 1s 80x120.

Robert P. Doolittle, Realtor, S. Main St. 5-7193. INCOME property near Ball-Band, 9-rm.

modern nolse and 7-stall garage, 6 bedrooms, large and good furnace. Now brings $76 per mo. rent besides 5 rms, for living quarters. Price $6,900.1 Must arrange. cash.

Stark Realty Col. Realtors, So. Main. Ph. 5-2591.

N. SIDE, Mary Phillips school district. 5-rm. bung. Hdwd.

firs. in D. R. and L. R.

with enclosed heated porch. Mod. Bath, good roof, $6,500. See Robert P. Doolittle, Realtor, $.

Main St. 5-7193. ROBERT P. Doolittle, Realtor. So.

Main. Ph. 5-7193. Evenings call Mr. Johnson, 5-1203.

5 ROOMS, South Elder $4,750. rooms, South Meridian street, $2,650. 7 rooms modern, East Broadway, $8.450. rooms modern brick. South Ohio street.

Price $4,650. 5 rooms West Broadway, $4,500. 5 rooms modern bungalew. East 4th $7,500. 6 rooms and bath.

North Elder Rd: Price $5,250. 5 sere tracts wooded land, off Currant Rd. Price Mason L. Petro, Realtor. 6'4 Liberty drive, Mishawaka.

Ph. 5-3566. 7-ROOM modern house, near Beiger school. 4-bedrooms. kitchen, bath, 2 large closets, new furnace and hot water tank.

Venetian blinds, newly decorated, double garage. 132 S. Beiger after 4 p. m. THE highest authority on real estate valuations is available through a Realtor.

LOTS FOR SALE. 3 ACRES Mishawaka. Lights. gas and water. Reasoftable to close estate.

621 33d South. Bend. 5 CHOICE lots 3. commercial, utilities, abstract and terms. 2900 block L.

W. E. Call at trailer, Bosse Mish. LARGE restricted lots in Oscepla: $175 and up. Terms.

See John Long at Osceola Lbr. Co. Ph. Osceola. 401, or Mish: 5-6841.

LARGE lot and 2 bidgs. on Boles Osceola. Ph. 8216. SUBURBAN FOR SALE.

2-BEDROOM modern. Could not be built for asking price. Built when lumber was tops. loan. Near school.

Write For. 109 N. Race Mishawaka. 5-6834. TO RESPONSIBLE 4-room house.

acre, outside city limits. East end of Mishawaka, New floors, deed and abstract furnished. insurance paid. Immediate possession. Terms.

Phone 5-3117. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WILL get you cash for your property. All details of sale expertly handled. Ph.

5:7193. Robert P. Doolittle, Realtor, 8. Main. 5-1318 News of Mishawaka COMMUNITY CHEST LEADERS ASSEMBLE.

in Mishawaka's 1947 Community Chest campaign, scheduled to get 'underthrough Nov. 20, received final instructions and supplies from Louis during a meeting Friday afternoon in Hotel Mishawaka. The leaders, Schultz during a discussion are, left to right, seated, John Bowers, indusMcLaughlin, women's division; Mr. Schultz, and W. W.

French, also indusA. Rivard, industrial Arthur L. Shafer, government and. education; Glen, M. Cree, also government and education; Mason L.

Petro, national E. Allen, speakers' bureau. Geerge Maurer, head of general business Futter, leader of commercial groups, were not present when the photo was -Photo by Tribune Staff Photographer. BOY SLIGHTLY HURT IN CRASH Elmer Bond, 13, a ward of the Children's Aid Society home, 1411 Lincoln Way West, sustained a bruised left hand when he was thrown from his bicycle when it collided with a car driven by C. VACUUM CLEANERS New and Rebuilt Famous Makes.

Rebuilts Low as $29.95 New Models to $69.95 WILLARD Sales and Service 801 W. Jefferson, Mishawaka Phone 5-6583 For those who Lady demand Berder the best! LICE CREAM, Fit for a FIT FOR A GOLDEN SPOON GOLDEN SPOON TRIBE REA DRI First Door East of North Side Theater MISHAWAKA OFFICE 207 LINCOLN WAY BAST MISHAWAKA COMMUNITY Divisional leaders way Monday and continue Schultz, general chairman, shown surrounding: Mr. trial Mrs. Edward J. trial standing, Serge Earl Dill, public service; firms; and Rev.

Wilbur division, and Eugene C. taken. munity chest, is also chairman of the company's overall community chest, drive. Under the joint leadership of Raymond Steele and John Pawlowski, solicitations will begin Monday in the American Wheelabrator; and Equipment company. Meetings of solicitors.

are being scheduled at the Ball-Band plant and the campaign will get under way there on Friday. DISEASES LOWER DURING OCTOBER A seasonably low number of contagious. diseases. six whooping cough cases, and two each of chicken pox and scarlet fever, were reported during October to Earl Shoemaker, city sanitary officer. During the month the health officer inspected 20 groceries and meat markets; 10 taverns; seven restaurants; two bakeries; 150 dairy farms and seven dairies.

A total: of 53 moving permits 27 food handlers' permits were issued and 49 garbage and eight unsanitary complaints were investigated. MASONIC MEET CANCELLED. Master Masonic meeting of Mishawaka lodge No. 130, Free and, Accepted Masons for Thursday night in the temple has been cancelled due to a conInflict meeting dates with Mishawaka chapter No. 267, Order of Eastern TOWNSEND CLUB TO MEET.

The Townsend club No. 3 will sponsor a benefit party at 1:30 P. Monday in the Knights of Pythias hall. The regular meeting will be held at the same place at 7:30 o'clock. Statistics.

Statistics. Fires. Telephone p. Nov. 8, 7.12 East Edgar street, chicken coop caught fire from undetermined origin, damage, $100: In Traffic Court.

Speeding. Otho. J. Wardinger, rural route No. 2.

Osceola, this county, $15. Richard H. Fain, West Battell street, $20. LOUIS J. SCHROEDER Ph.

5-2222 Easy to Dial "Try Downtown N. Main NEXT! BRING YOUR next PRESCRIPTION TO US Next time the Doctor hands you a prescription, bring it directly to this Prescription Pharmacy. The emblem shown below, which you will find displayed in our Prescription Department, is your assurance of the skilled service of our pharmacists; fresh, potent drugs; and fair prices: Childress Drug Store 209 Lincoln Way E- A Prescription Pharmacy Your Doctor Knows and Recommends L. Troxal, 20, 521 West. Seventh street, Saturday noon, police reported.

The accident occurred at the intersection of Hill street and Lincoln Way West. The youth did not require hospital treatment and RENT OR FORMALS WEDDING GOWNS and VEILS TUXEDOS WRAPS! BRIDESMAID DRESSES HATS MARGUERITE'S 436 E. 4th St. MISHAWAKA was taken to the society's home for treatment. The United States has 000 telephones, Great, Britain 575,000, and Russia, 1,272,500.

Pythian Sisters BAZAAR and Snack Bar WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12, Noon 8 P. M. MICASTLE HALL Mishawaka Stage Comedy Cast Named By Play Director Cast of characters for the threeact comedy "Cornzappin'," sposored by Mishawaka post No. 161, American legion, and to be presented High Thursday school and auditorium, Friday nights was announced Saturday by Miss Raven Moore, of Chicago, play director.

Esther Stricker will play the lead role of Elvira Judkins, the domineering housewife, and will be supported by James Stricker, as the hen- pecked husband; Miss Julia Triola, their daughter, Sue Judkins, and Jerry Kirk, as Bob Sandrock, Sue's sweetheart. Others in the cast are Bob. Clark, Dave Kirk, Miss Dorothy Freeman, Miss Laura Schrader, Miss Kathleen Stafford and Miss Eleanor Blankenship. The laugh hit is sponsored by the legion post for the benefit of its child welfare and rehabilitation programs. TEA WILL HONOR PARTY VICTORY The Mishawaka-Penn township Democratic women's club will sponsor a victory tea honoring Mayor- Elect E.

Spencer Walton all of the democratic nominees who won city offices in last Tuesday's election, next Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock in the Pilgrim room of Hotel Mishawaka. Mrs. Harry Worthington and Mrs. Ralph Buysse are serving as chairmen of the tea. KELLEY'S Service Radio BUYING A RADIO? Give us a Look.

We Service Our Sales. 120 South Hill Street BUILT BETTER SERVICE BETTER REPLACE, with your this latest development a sparkling, new Crane Gas Water Heater. You'll bie money ahead! You'll get the finest automatic hot water service you've ever known! Complete Stock of all Sizes and Models GAS AND ELECTRIC CRANE WATER HEATERS WATER HEATERS GOHEEN'S Plumbing Heating Ventilating Boilers Furnaces Sheet Metal Work G. E. Dishwasher Sinks 126 L.

W. E. Mishawaka Siding Immediate Delivery NOW IN STOCK! Bevel Siding Bevel Siding Double Coarse RED CEDAR STAINED SHINGLES ASBESTOS SHINGLES Red and Buff Color INSULATING BRICK SIDING QUALITY Fir, White Pine and Yellow Pine LUMBER LUMBER Most All Sizes and Grades Two Cars OAK FLOORING Now Shipped Will Arrive Some Time This Week. Don't Wait to INSULATE! You Can't Waste Heat at Today's Fuel Prices. The makings of a good house! It's the materials you use in building your home that determines its worth.

Build your home with the finest. Call us today. Lowe Lumber Co. Hardware Mason Supplies Glass 0'Brien's Paints Roofing Storm Sash Screens Insulation 5-2112 MISHAWAKA 328 S. Main CARD OF THANKS.

WE wish to express our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for kind expressions of sympathy and floral offerings. at the -time of the death of husband and father. Signed Mrs. Frank" Tydgat and family. MONUMENTS.

VISIT our display to select the monument or marker of your choice. Open Sunday afternoons. Between two bus lines. Phone 5-2343. Mishawaka Monument 421-425 N.

Cedar. Mishawaka. PERSONALS. BALLARD funeral home, 502 Lincoln West. Ambulance service.

Phone 5-1657: OUR 1948 Christmas Savings club will open Dec. 1st. The First National Bank of Mishawaka, main office and northside branch. BUSINESS SERVICES OFFERED. ASHES, trash pickup, Black dirt, sand and gravel.

Mr. Corpell. Call 5-4725 or 5-7584. CALL 5-6583 for best sewing machine and washing machine and vac. service.

New and used mach. Aiso new and used radios for sale. Willard Sales Service, 801 West Jefferson, Mishawaka. FOR RENT lawn sweeper, lawn roller, portable power saws, block tackles, swing stages, roof hooks. Snyder's Re pair Shop, 711 E.

Grove Mishawaka. 5-2423. SEWING vacum. cleaners, small elec. apinces, rep.

at Mishawaka Sew. ing Center, 227 E. 4th St. 5-4575. WILL care for children by day or hour in my home.

Phone 5-5723. BEAUTY PARLORS. WHY take a chance on a home permanent? Try one of our guaranteed $3.50 waves, including shampoo and set. Closed Mondays. Evelyn's Beauty Shop, L.

W. Mish. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 724 E. MISHAWAKA avenue, Mishawaka, store building with living quarters attached, suitable for grocery and meat market operation or any home Industries.

Very ample living quarters. Price 500 for quick sale. 4112 L. W. Mishawaka, garage with living quarters attached; various garage tools and equipment on 4 fine lots.

Living quarters in fine shape and all modern. Price 250. Call us immediately if you are interested in a garage, auto auction operation. Elisasser Agency, 118 North Spring street, Mishawaka, Indiana. Phone 5-6200.

E. C. Ellsasser, Phone 5-1494. FURNACE repair, vacuum cleaned, $5. Repaired reasonably.

All work guaranteed. Call 5-7419. Reliable Furnace Co. HESS steel furnaces, coal, otl, gas. Chuck's Furnace Service, Mishawaka, Elkhart, Goshen.

Cleaning, repairing stokers. blowers, automatic controls. Charles Short. Ph. 4-6983 or 605 34th South -Bend.

PLANTS AND FLOWERS. HEATING AND PLUMBING. HARDY chrysanthemums, acres, plants and cut flowers. Herbert Lawson, Elkhart, Adamsville State Line. A COMPLETE money service.

Quick cash Joans. State Finance 125 N. Main. Ph. 5-4604.

Inquiries welcome. WEARING APPAREL. FACTORY pants sale for work and dress. Prewar prices. Harry Rosen, 201 E.

Mishawaka Ave. MEN! Save $5 to $10 Everbest gabardines and covert suits, topcoate. Harry Rosen, 201 E. Mishawaka Ave. PAINTING AND DECORATING.

MONEY TO LOAN: 5,000 NEW fall patterns, washable wallpaper. See them at Smith Alsop, Mishawaka Paint 124 L. W. E. Phone 5-8694.

INTERIOR and exterior painting and paper hanging. Free estimates. Ph. 5-2538. ORDERS taken now.

Get your winter supply of third vein Pocahontas in. Also Pocahontas Briquettes. We are sure to deliver Monday and Tuesday. Velleman's Coal Yard, 1118 Ann Mishawaka. Ph.

5-3424. A CAR of Hickory Indiana egg in Monday. Cars due are co*ke, Kenmont block, Red Seal semi and W. Va. lump.

Dry slab wood. Ralph J. Rimer, 5-3824. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. APPLES, $1 per bushel and up.

Also pears. Open Saturdays and evenings. Bring containers. E. M.

Long, south of D-X station, Osceola. COLVER'S party pack ice cream. Vanilla. 80c. Colver's Drug Store, 1406 L.

W. East, Mishawaka. WANTED TO BUY. HIGHEST prices paid for rags, paper, metal and junk. Call 5-5300.

We will pick it up, 419 E. Jefferson. Notice Public "CONVENTION DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN" The 24th Annual Convention and Bible Conference -ofGREATER MIDWAY GOSPEL TABERNACLE 410-12 So. Ironwood Drive, Mishawaka Is Now Going and will continue through the 16th ORDER OF DAY AND EVENING SERVICES: 11:00 A. 1:30 P.

Class 7:30 P. at Evangelistic Service "Where you will hear Apostolic Gospel and Doctrine as preached and prac-. ticed in their day. A boon to spiritual life and living, thus providing the believer a readiness for the soon coming of Jesus." PUBLIC WELCOME FUEL..

The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.