Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas (2024)

I Extraordinary Neckwear Special. 50c 75c Neckwear 35c, 3 for $1. An immense Christmas Neckwear business (the biggest in our history) left us with hundreds of odd four-in-hands. We've gathered them all together into one lot. None sold for less than Heifers sold 50c, siderably in and a hurry more.

many at sold All 35c for or will 3 con- be for ON MAIN AT SI. BEST KNOWN AN ATE. CAT Some in our window. NEWS OF THE CITY V. ood and coal.

Oliver Son DRY WOOD, COAL. Leak Fuel Co. For Raleigh springs water phone :12. Dry Wood -Collin- Fuel to. I'h.

Wanted At Bias wholesale depart went. another -tenographer. Must have had at least two years' experience and PLOW 8 good recommendation. INQUIRIES ABOUT LITTLE ROCK. The board of Trade vesterdav re quiries concerning Little Rock from Oak wood.

Ill. and Liverpool, Nova 1a WILL COMPLETE full meeting 1S called tor this evening at the Asbury Methodist church. at which organization will be completed. Dr W. Miller will probably be a candidate for representative in the next legislature.

Dr. Miller has been a res: ident of the western part of Little Rock contendent of the Rock Island at Little Rock. was vesterdav elected a member of the Board of Trale. WAIT A MINUTE before placing our orders for flowers. Call Cottage Floral Company, phone 7653.

We de. liver to any part of the city. Orders hos wire promptly filled. MI'M 18 TilE WORD Mums, mums, mums, the word We have fine stock of chrysanthemums, carna Dions. hvacinths, narcissus, also bloom ing pot plants.

('all the Cottage Floral the past line vears. ELECTED TO BOARD OF TRADE. Beacom, the new geueral sup Company. Phone 2653. BEECHER LEWIS IN THE CITY.Beecher Lewis, editor of the Wheatley C'ourier was in Little Rock vesterday.

He is a candidate for representative from St. Francis county to succeed Rep resentative F. Sweet. TO GIVE DINNER AT CITY MIS SION. -The Woman's Missionary So and the Ladies' Aid Society of the Central Presbyterian church will give 8 dinner at the city mission at 6 o'clock this evening.

CAN FILL ALL. AL though we haven't a store on Main street. we are prepared to fill all orders for flowers and give satisfaction with every order, Cottage, Floral Company, phone -Ar of- your patronage solicited. FOR FLORAL DESIGNS. -P'oinset las, azaleas, carnations, roses, ebrysanthemnums or floral designs delivered part of the eitv or expressed to any part of the state.

Call. write or phone 2653. Greenhouses, Thirteenth and Jones streets. POULTRY ASSOCIATION MEETS -The Little Rock Poultry Association will meet tonight at the rooms of the Retail Merchants 1 $80- elation. At this meeting the business relative to the last poultry exhibition will he wound up.

DR. S. H. WERLEIN TO Dr. the retiring pastor of the Winfield Memorial Methodist church.

will leave today or tomorrow with his family for New Orleans. The minister will try to make the start for Vow Orleans today. ADDITIONAL EXCURSIONISTS TO PANAMA. -James Chapple, L. K.

Snodgrass and E. Ingram yesterday took bookings for the Board of Trade excursion for l'anama, which the organ ization expects to run out of Little Rock abont the middle of February. SENATOR M'KNIGHT FOR another candidate for railroad commissioner from the wouther: district is to announce, cording to reliable reports in local po-1 litical circles yesterday. The new candidate, it is understood, will be Sena tor W. F.

McKnight of Rolvat. CHRISTMAS AT WINFIELD exercises were held last night at the Winfield Memo rial Methodist church. The exercises were. in the nature. of.a the Sunday school.

The children brought presents that will later be giv. en to the poor and a free will offering Was taken up. LEAGUE MEETING Owing to the inalility of the men who are interested in the project of establishing a cotton mill in Little Rock to be present, the meeting of the Business Men's League to consider this. "matter was postponed yesterday. It will be held later in the week.

when all the parties interested will be pres ent. ASK FOR OPINION ABOUT FARM LAND CONGRESS. Farnsworth, the president of the National Farm Land Congress, has written the Board of Trade asking its opinion relative to the permanent organization of the congress. The Board of Trade has asked Judge F. R.

Ratterree and J. 8. Speed to express an opinion in the matter, as they attended the last Congress at Chicago. TUBERCULOSIS BOARD MEETS TODAY The Board of Trustees of the Arkansas Tuberculosis Sanatorium will meet this afternoon for the purpose of considering bids tor the construction of the Lev sanatorium buildings at Boone ville. he bids were submitted dav Several of these proffers were tel ceived Secretary and others were received at Fort Smith by Cha'.

man Joseph M. Hill M' PHERSON POST ELECTS OFFI CERS. McPherson Post No 1. 4 A R. held a meeting last night in which they elected the following officers Stephen Bilheimer.

past commander; Fairmon Sr. past vice commander: W. 8. Fitch Jr. commander: S.

Hende: chaplain; W. A Morton, M. Mitchell. quartermaster: A Walrath. officer of the dav: Sr Imberv.

officer of the guard. The department encamp ment will meet on March 9, 1910. CONVICTS ARE THANKFUL FOR -The state convicts In ploved in the construction of Pulaski county roads, in a letter to the Gazette, express their thanks for the Christmas cheer provided for them. They especial ly thank Mrs. Morgner of Little Rock.

who had charge of the prepara tion of the C'hristmas dinner for the con victs. wish there were more Morguers in Pulaski county. states: the letter. STOP OFF AT LITTLE 'Stop Off at Little Rock IN the cap tion of a af advertising card that 14 he ing mailed out over the U'nited States by the Board of Trade The cArd ex plains to the treadling puble the 11: ner in which stop over privileges mav be taken advantage of at Little These cards are being mailed to the principal commercial organizautions the Northern states. YOUTH IN SERIOUS CONDITION.

At An early hour the morning the 16 vear old son of W. B. Thomas 4 I alive at the County hospital. but was stated that his condition WA. FN tremelv critical.

The lad was the VIC tim of an unfortunate arcident Sunday In opening the door of an outhouse on his uncle's farm he received a loa of bucksbot from 3 trapgun that WAS 11 tended for honey thieves. M'KAY WILL ATTEND REUNION. -D. A. McKay, representing the Samuel Cupples Woodenware Company 111 Arkansas, left last night for St.

Louis to attend the annual reunion of all the officers, employes and traveling salesmen of company, which will be held in that city today. Samuel Cupples, the founder of the company, now 80 vearN of age. will deliver the wel come address at the meeting. BROUGHT FIVE PRISONERS TO prisoners were brought to the penitentiary from Se bastian county last night by Morris of Fort Simth. One of them.

Albert Gage, a white bor. sentenced to one vear for grand larceny. will go to the reform school. The others are: Edwards, white, three vears for burglary: Pete l'ennell. white.

three wears for burglary: William Fine negro, one year for grand larceny. and Goodman, negro, one vear for oh taming under talso PLAN FOR BIG Philithia class. AVENGED ALLEGED INSULT OF 12 YEARS Wilbur, Plans for the vear were outlined by the Baraca Class of the First. Baptist church Sunday at an entertain ment tendered them by 0. Johnston, teacher of the class, at the First Baptint church last night.

The class resolved to increase its membership to 400. Monday nights at 7:30 were set apart for the study and social sessions. The sorial features are to be particularly emphasized this year. A member ship contest challenge was issued to the white man, whom the police say in men tally unbalanced, is alleged to have as saulted J. P.

Hillard and (. C. Mumah, also white, at Third and Rock streets yesterday afternoon, claiming that one of them had insulted his mother 12 and Mumah resented the attack in decisive manner, with the result that all three were ar. rested by Patrolman Spitzberg. A charge of disturbance WAS placed against Hillard and Mumah and of 88 sault and battery against Wilber.

NO WORD RECEIVED FROM KAN. BAS police, up to vesterday had received no reply from the Kansas City police relative to Auber Starks, the 19-year old youth who is being held here ron his own coufession of theft. According to his story he stole $50 from a baker by whom he employed in Kansas City a few weeks Starks was questioned fur ther yesterday and stuck to the first story told, declaring that he wants to back to make retribution. He first admitted the theft talking in his sleep. and later, when questioned, he made a complete confession and declar ed that worry over the crime had driv.

en him to drink. NEW THEATER PRELIMINARIES BEING RUSHED. -Ike Kempner, who plans to a new theater on Louisi. 'ana street, between Fifth and Nixth Comparison of DEPOSITS of the American Bank On the Second Anniversary of the Present Management. DEPOSITS DEC.

23. 1907... DEPOSITS DEC. 23, $322,067.04 DEPOSITS DEC. 23, 1909...

$431,982.71 k. THE ARKANSAS GAZETTE, LITTLE ROCK. TUESDAY, DECEMBR 28. 1909 streets, will leave Little Rock about January 5 for New York city where, he states, be expects to purchase seats and scenery for the new theater, the purchase to amount to a about $10,000. Mr.

Kempner stated last night that he would probably be in New York about week and when be returns will bring complete prali' for the new theater building and also be accompanied by the architect Work on the new theater will be started at once follow his return, states Mr. Kempner. The ing plans for the foundation and basem*nt fare expected today br Mr. Kempner ESCAPE.FIREMAN HAS LUCKY fireman of the Iron Mountain, who lives in Little Rock, is suffering from minor injuries sustained by him in an aecident at Haskell Saturday. Gillian was standing just in front of the tank as the engine was pulling out of a siding in switching.

Through the breaking of an iron bolt, the engine and tank were suddenlv jerked a foot apart and Gillian W79 precipitated through the opening Bye lucky chance he caught on an iron bar and saved himself from going der the train. A moment later the en gineer stopped the train and helped the fireman from his perilous predicament THROWN FROM FAST MOVING P. 117 in Little Rock later in the morning. REV. G.

GORDON SMEADE IN THE Rev. Smeade street. an Iron Mountain brak: man, suftered sesore bruise and suf minor cuts and sprain Arka tel I'ratt brakeinan phia North of Arkadelphia mile stretch of straight trat the race track. and. making for this stretch.

trails pull out of Arks at a high rate of speed. No delphia 57 left the Arkadelphia sards 34 last as nsnal and Pratt. who had been 111 Aspecting ny the train. -wing aboard A8 it pulled cut The tore the hand hold loose throwing P'ratt head over heels He was poked bu vardmen and brought his home lup former rector Episcopal eburch of this flow archd. ac in the Episcopal church of the southern of arrived in Little district vesterdav And the guest of Mr Rock Mrs.

Bennett He Stated and that he would remain last might trends. all until Fridas visiting 11 Work all over 1- engaged 11 R-1 My headquarters: a BI My work is attractive much. Jisit here 14 with the Trin tv cathedral 19.0 The last repls to question to whether of Res Mr Smeade tad the appearance to do with the con anything Bish. Brown and Dr between John Hartley Rev Mr. Smeade lett there about two Pars ROBINSON CO.

fo: bent J. K. galvanised iron, tia prices on tin, And slate roodny PERSONALS Forrest W'8 in of He cashier of Little Ron resterdas be and aid to the Balk Forrest to in the the largest Individual ComValley Life Insurance Mississippi pany. former E. Warren county Wag In town sheriff of Columbia yesterday Young of Hazel.

editor of the Herald. WAR 111 the P'rairie County of Piqua, 0. arrived SunAbe Louis morning to visit his wife and daugh das iter and his father-in-law Alderman Louts 10 will return home Saturday V'olmer Mra and Miss Louis with him. taking Fouler. to been the C'ol for the past two weeks.

rewill East turn home today L. wis of Belfast 15 111 the Randolph and P'rof Prof Denning were In the Crassno of yesterday en toute to Not Springs, of Greenwood and John Bob YoUng Smedies of Midland were in dits terdar. Prof Wynne of Harrison the etr en route to Hot Springs ARKANSANS AT HOTELS MARION 1 Williams Fort Smith. 1. Hirsch.

Newport. Rarion Hope 1. Daniela, Texarkana. 8 Harrell Wilmar. W' Willams.

Forrest Kendricks, F'ine Bluff. Carter. Hope. F. Mallison and wife.

ford Mrs 8. Powell. Camden. Pow ell Camden. Ferguson.

Pine Bluff Mrs. Bruce. Mrs. Hazel Davis. Pine Bluff, Carl Hollis, A Presson, Warren: W' Whitestdes.

Arkadelphia: (' Grant, Brent wood. J. 8 Conway. Ozan. Miss Hazel Davis.

Ozan: Cruce. 0. More. Monticello: R. W' Baxter, Parkdale, Dr S.

Brown. Conway. GLEASON'S Mac Dowell and wife ME H. A. Nickell, Ozark: Baker, ville: Carl Draper.

Paxton Estes and family, Yellville: Henry Ruhsert. Douglass. Bunn, Hamburg. George 11 Rule Sr Lonoke, A. Johnson and wife.

Lonoke: G. R. Brooks, Fowler: J. Hass, Bauxite. Ozark.

1 H. Hudson and wife. Fairview, Frank Welsbract. Charles Parker Stephens. B.

Peters, Texarkana: 8. Chick. E. J. Barker.

Rooneville: Arthur Blakemore, D. Downey, Consay. MAIN -D. P. Harris, Pine Bluff.

Blamet. Ola: A. Carter. Hope F. McCuin.

Des Are: H. Powell. Houston: A. B. Hicks, Toltec.

John Hull Scott's: F. H. Anderson. El Dorado: A. Cable, A Timberlake.

Bigelow: E. Horton. Traskwood. J. Withington.

England: L. D. Williams, Wampoo. N. Smith.

Scott's: Ana McCain, Camden: 1. Beard, Fort Bmith: J. R. Quigley, wife and sone, El Dorado; Homer Bearden. Jim Green.

Solgohachla. NEW CAPITAL W. Timons. Fort Smith: R. Moore, F.l Dorado; Melbourne.

Pine Bluff. H. A Lacy. John Black. England: Brough, Searcy: Robert Clinton, Dardanelle: E.

L. Ra cum. Atkins: Gertrude Champion, Fort Smith: Miss Irwin. Fort Smith; H. son.

Fort Smith; A. K. Wallein. Waldron: J. J.

Warrell. Brinkley: James Thomas. Texarkana: J. A. Youngblood, Clarendon.

MERCHANTS' W. L. McPherson, Clarksville: V. Davidson and wife. Junction City: W.

R. House. Hot Springs, T. L. Daniel, Padarm: Mra.

A. Hoebel. Hot Springs: J. A. Garlington, England: W.

R. Surridge. Black Rock; L. T. Cantrell.

Hazen: R. S. Daughtry, England: M. High, Lonoke; J. F.

Fortner. England: 0. F. Peterson, England; J. N.

Isbell, Clinton. THE MERCHANTS HOTEL European plan. Headquarters for commercial men. R. Frazier, proprietor, 18 years the road.

Rooms, 1 without bath. Roc ma, $1.50 and $2 with bath. Phones in every room. New sample rooms. Convenient to busir.

ass center, state and court houses. GLEASON'S EUROPEAN HOTEL Restaurant in connection. Rooms up. Electrie lights, electrie elevator. long distance telephone, telegraph and typewriting.

We use boiled filtered we Corner Second sad Center streets The England National Bank does everything a bank ought to do and nothing that a bank ought not to do. Four per cent interest paid on time deposits. The best arranged and most convenient safe deposit doxes in the city for rent from $2.50 to $8.00 per year. J. F.

England, President. Jacob Niemeyer, V. Pres. J. E.

England Cashier. Forty-Second Semi-Annual Dividend to Our Saving Depositors Please bring in your pass books on or after December 10, 1909. Little Rock Trust Co. Capital and Surplus, $150,000.00 Third and Main. ARREST ALLEGED MURDERER Shooting Said to Have Arisen Over Christmas Quarrel.

Jesse Bryant. negro, was brought to Little Rork last might and lodged In the count target with killing Frank pann, also negro, after Spann had his brother. Arthur Bryant Brant 01 A 4. brought in 11 constable bite England and will be taken Luneke the morning. According to le-se Briant.

Spann shooting at him when he killed Arthur Bryant. The trouble arose over some ristmas presents, which Spann sail to have asked the Brvants to buy fo: bis daughter Spann had a reputation 88 bad negro and is said hate alwars gone armed He served term I 11 the penitentiary for killing his wite. ADCPI SUFFRAGE STAMPS Women Start Indirect Plea Campaign by Novel Method. New York, Dec 27. The National Woman Suffrage Association has start 01 All 'indirect plea campaign through the distribution of neatly print ed in the mails.

The new "'vote for women' stamps are again large as the Lincoln cent stump and are printed in various shaves uf blue with five pointed stars at each of the four corners representa tive of the four states where women are permited to vote. Beneath the -ale of justice are the words Taxation without representation tyranny SLAIN IN CHRISTMAS BRAWL Brewer Frantz Disemboweled by Knife -Youth Shot in Another Fight. Starkville, Dec. 27. Brewer Frantz died at his home near here to dav as a result of a Christmas brawl.

It is alleged that during a fight with Charles Carmichael, his brother in law, Frantz was disemboweled by a knife in the hands of Carmichael. About the same time and in the same neighbor hood. Lige Veasy, 18 vears old, shot and dangerously wounded David Edmunds. TODAY FRESH IMPORTED Camembert CHEESE Made under the strictest sanitary rules, 35c a pound. 319 Main St.

Phones 424. A few young Arkansas Turkeys, extra fat and tender. ADVERSE FORTUNE ATTENDS MEETINGS Series of Unfortunate Occurrences Pursues Histoncal and Economical Associations- -Nearly 1,000 Scholars Present. New York. Dec.

27 series of fortunate occurrences marked the open ing here today of the twenty fifth an niversary meeting of the American Ibis torical and the American Economic As Op account ot the storm President Taft was to attend Dr. Willam Graham Sumner of Yale. who was to hate taron A l1 portant part 10 WAS stricken with a at hotel: An drew tell IL 1 1 r8 park North. injured acting the American StA tistical which hell a meeting this atternoon. could not be present be of cause Neariv -and re hol ars from! home and abroad bate assPin bled Lore tor the meeting- The dele gates were welcomed at arnegie hall tonight.

Joseph 11 Choate and 1101 ernor Hughes were the principal speak ers. Among the prominent foreign dele gates present are SIr Horace Plankitt, who organized the Irish American Dr Kalization Society. to promote the bet. terment of Ireland along lines: Dr. John Prother, editor the London Quarterly Review: T.

enbrander of Holland, Camille Enlart of Paris. Altemir of Ovideo, Spain, Eduard Mever of Berhn, and Sir Frederick Me Mamillen, the Loudon pub lisher. Governor Hughes part: Drawu Nearer Legislative Service. rt that We ale drawing more and IN re to legislative service: men sho hate had special training and who take the long as well as the short 1e think the time will come when will actually have a tariff framed in accordance with expert study and In the light of farts ascertained and known and read by all Hien. so that they duly prepare the same 111 accord may ADCP with the just interests of the people.

CARNEGIE INJURED BY FALL Millionaire Scot Slipped on Ice--Unable to Attend Own Dinner. New York. Dec 27. Andrew neg slapped on 11 lev spot o. while around the reservoir in C'en walking tral park today and suffered a painful to bin left knee.

He unable injury to be present at a dinner at his home tonight which he gave to Governor Hughes, President Butler of Columbia University and others, and he was also unable to attend the meeting of the American Historical Association and American Economic Association at Car negie hall tonight. At his bome, it was said his condition was not serious. Mr. Carnegie had arranged for the dinner several weeks ago and had invit ed among others President Taft. The president was unable to come to New York on account of the storm.

The other guests assembled this evening, however, and were informed that Mr. Carnegie had met a slight accident, but it was his desire that the dinner proceed without him. In his absence, Dr. Henry Smith Pritchett, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Ad vancement of Teaching, prosided. N.AN AND WIFE ARE BURNED Husband Rushed Into Blazing Building, Believing Children Were in Peril.

Statesboro, 0, Dec. Mrs. Harry Brunson was probably fatally burned today when her home caught fire from all exploding gas stove. Her husband also was burned when he rushed into the blazing building to rescue his two children, whom he believed to have been left there. The children rad been saved br neighbors.

CUMBERLANDS LOSE CONTEST Supreme Court of California Decides for Unionist Presbyterians. Nashville, Tenn. Dec. 27 Information har been received here from San Fran- that the Supreme Court of ('al fornia has decided the church union case sute tr Title to all of the Cumberland Preaby terlan church property In California 18 vested in 3 corporation called the "Pa the no! of the Cumberland Preshyte an church." BURNED TO DEATH IN JAIL John Murphy Thought to Have Been Attempting to Escape. Wadlev, Dec.

Murphy, who was arrested at Stillmore, a few miles from here, vesterday afternoon, charged with being intoxicated and fir. ing a pistol, was burned to death in the jail there, apparently while trying to burn his way to freedom. Murphy's cries were heard by outsiders, but he died before aid could reach him. ADVANCE CLASS OF 50 Atlanta Scottish Rite Masons Meet in Regular Conclave. Atlanta, Dec.

-The reunion of the Scottish Rite Masons of the Southern jurisdiction of the United States began at the Masonic temple here tonight. The sessions of the conclave will continue four days, during which 30 candidates will be promoted to the thirty-second degree. NEW HOTEL MAIN (FORMERLY METROPOLITAN) European plan; commercial men' headquarters. Rooms with or without bath. Telephone, hot and cold water in all rooms.

Popular prices. venient to everything. Rogers Young, Manager. Imported Needles 30c per thousand. TALKING MACHINE RECORDS, Regular Price 60c Our Price 25c Get our special prices on other Talking Machine Goods.

S. M. FIELD BROS. 705 Main. Phone 4871.

Obituary W. B. NORMAN. Norman L.1s In and leaves Death was Norman was was then ber World lodge The this afternoon at H. In of the lodg MRS.

ISA JOHNSON. M- Isa Johnson. aged 55 W.e Jottson died at a al morning Death WIs typhon fever She WAS taken the hospital from her home 1513 Pike a about a week ago She leaves her husband. two sisters and her parents. The funeral angements will bro anpounced today ALFRED SKINNER.

al to 'he Gazette Pocahontas Dec Alfred Skinner. 55. well known resident. died here re this afternoon Mr Skinner was machinist Land many years ago, while living in Kaltimore. Md.

he assisted in constructing the first Westinghouse atr brake. He was very prominent in local Masonic Fireles The body A.S a taken to Skinner: old hone in Cambridge for burial ROBERT HOGAN. Special to the Gazette Conway. Dec 2 Robert Hogan, a son the late Green Hogan, died at his hotne on Gold lake. five miles south of Con this morning.

after an illness of about days with pneumonia. He was 'here about 36 years ago, and was married In 1896 to Miss Susan Wimberly who with four sons. survives him The funeral will be meld tomorrow afterand the burial will take place at the noon Stone cemetery. 011e mile north of Con- way DP. SARAH R.

A. DOLLEY. Y. Dec 37 -Dr Sarah It Rochester. Dollev.

aged 81 vears, the second to take a medical degree from an man American college. died At her residence this morning At the age of 22 she here was graduated from the Rochester ani Syracuse Medical College and was Ap bo'nted interne in the Blocksley Hospital, Philadelphia. For many years Mrs. Dolley practiced in Rochester MRS LUCINDA GRAFTON. Pittsburg, Dee.

Mrs. Lucinda Grafton, who became widely known during the Civil war for her activities in behalf of sick soldiers, died here todar. Mre. Grafton was born in Toronto, 0, March 4, 1827. CUT FLOWERS.

FLORAL DESIGNS Or bouquets for all occasions. Call Tip ton H-rst. 519 Main. Phone 774 WESTERN MAN HEADS CLUB Newspaper Men Hold Election for National Organization. Wastington, Dec.

27. At the annual election today of the National Press Club of Washington, Arthur J. Dodge, correspondent of the Kansas City Jour nal. was chosen president Elmer Parne of the Associated Press was re elected vice president and Arthur Johnson, correspondent of the News, was again named for secretary. HE KILLED A MAN FOR $400 Italian Who Coveted Victim's Wife Paid That Sum for Deed.

Sandusky, 0., Dec. -Mystery rounding the killing of Agosta Dema, A leader in the large Italian colony here, was cleared up tonight by Frank Betah. -aid be had committed the murder for $400. This sum, he said, pain him by Jim P'rimer, another Italian, who. Benah explained, wanted to marry the victim's wife.

Primer and Mrs. Dema were arrested. We sell Moon Bros. line of buggies. H.

Babco*ck works None better made Also the Miburn farm and delivery wagons Call to see and get our low prices Little Rock Carriage Cam112 114 East Markham street. paby, TRAPPIST RETREAT IN WEST Silent Order Establishes Monastery In Oregon Hills. New York Francis Quan of California, of recent visit to the monastery wriung Lady of Jordan, established in Our Oregon by Trappist monks from France, that these monks have settled down In the beautiful valley of the Jor. dan. Linn county, Ore, where they culti40 acres of land, besides caring for parish and for several outside mine sions.

He declares that they are a perfect democracy The most unlettered lay brother sits down to table with the tred abbot. the man of genius and high birth He says was amazed to see the abbot working a sewing machine, putting patchi on a lay brother's habit. I was told 1t iN no uncommon thing to see him sarubbing the foors in his turn. And, mind you this abbot belongs to a grand family In France. He is a mitred and crosiered prelate of the church, and can confer minor orders on his subjects.

"Let 10 one tell me any more fairy tales about the Trappists," he continues. don't dig part of their grave every dav: but they prepare for death ery day and every moment." They never eat meat; but look at their rosy cheeks and healthy gait, and perfect ease in the performance of hard manual labor. They are robust on vegetable food. A few weeks spent here would incline one to become A vegetarian." The monks in this community are 4. yet very poor.

The Frencn government took from them their beautiful xiona of Fontgombault, France, and they began in Oregon with nothing, but are struggling hard to pay their debts. Although there only a few years, they have already done wonders. It is their Intentian to make this new home the great Tranpist (latercian center of the Far West, where multitudes may come to live a few days in retreat. or to make a pitgrimnage to the shrine of Our Lady of Jordan The Trappists make a specialty of recelving Inen for retreat, and such are housed and fed in the best manner. In Mount Melleray, Ireland, five priesta.

hear confessions every day in the secular church for visitors. There is a continual pilgrimage thither from all parts of the world. To establish such a place in Oregon A9 Mount Melleray is in Ireland is the wish of Archbishop Christio. Mr. Quan declares emphatically: "I know the life' of a Jesult, a Franiscan.

A Dominican, a Christian brother. 'and I must say that the life of a Trappist is easier and more peaceful. Stren nous parish work. preaching, teaching. and the rush and hurry of the busy world are far more wearing on the human framo than In the sweet.

tranquil life of the Trappist here in the foothills of the HOW TO CURE SKIN DISEASES. This is the question that bas baffled the medical profession for centuries. A grent many medicines have been ploited for of skin diseases without much success. Most of these remedies were salves or greasy lotions. While they might give temporary lief, they did not have the power to destroy the germ life that causes the disease.

You can now obtain from Snodgrass Bracy, the druggists, vegetable liquid remedy for ternal use that will give prompt -relief and permanently cure and eve ery form of skin or scalp disease. This remedy, which is known 88 ZEMO, cures by drawing to surface of the skin and destroying the germ life that causes the disease. It can be used on infants. Snodgrass Bracy say ZEMO gives the "best satisfaction of any medicine they have ever sold for the treatment of all diseases of the skin or scalp. Established 1887-And We Grow a Little Every Day," Electric Construction Company Wiring.

Motors, Supplies. Plating. Fixtures, Dynamos, Reflectors, Repairing. Phone 401. 215 Louisiana St.

Little Rock, Ark. The For Sale Old Year 1501 Real WEST NINTH Bargains house. water and sewer in yard; Will the close of this wear find street Das- IS door: paved street to tart city: 6 lots across you with MONEY in BANK: It 1.10 cold for $15,000., Chis a corner lat. 30x75, and a not too late. If you will open a good A hods.

Only $2,000. Savings Account 111 the neat few NEW STATE CAPITOL -See 118 bank it will one about this 4 Poon house and lot for dave in this prove In ha'f No. of state new of the most satisfactory acts of the of paved street line. walking distance to past year. We will add 4 per cent business part of in railroad call district and near new Union interest.

depot. The house is in good condiCome in and let us show vou how tian and is certainly a bargain at the price. money increases. It will give you a MAIN STREPT LOT --A money: world of pleasure. maker at the price.

$10,500. Citizens' Investment Security Co. 210 West Second Street..

Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas (2024)
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Article information

Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 6038

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.